Batch Updates in .Net

Some rough notes about my investigations into different techniques to perform batch database updates.

It’s not efficient to send individual queries from an application to the database server. What techniques can be used from .net to send batch updates?


Most ETL processes probably uses either Bulk Insert, BCP, SSIS, or some fun third party product.

ADO.NET Options

Array and function

Use an Sql function to convert to table variable, and join on the table variable.
Old but nice explanantion of this technique –
Pass delimited list of “things” you wish to update. e.g. customer id’s “1|2|14|42”.

Table variable

Construct a table variable in code using SqlDbType.Structured and specify the table type
Pass to stored procedure or inline sqlCreate a User Defined Table Type

ADO.NET batch size

Set an UpdateBatchSize. Configure, update, insert, delete behaviour


Like the name suggests copy only. Sql Server only.
Microsoft describe functionality as a managed equivalent to the bcp utility.

ORM Tools

Generally, ORM tools are not built to handle batch processing. As an illustration, Rhino ETL exists, rather than the author using NHibernate as you might expect –

As a rule of thumb, the techniques available in ORM tools are suitable for “small” batch updates that occur in an application, not for creating ETL processes.


Can pass HQL across or set batch size –

Linq 2 Sql

Nothing out of the box. Normally fire insert/update/delete statement for each object you wish to update. Can create extension methods to get batch like behaviour.


Need to explore:
Can use dynamic api – db.Foo.UpdateByX(X: “Bar”, Y: “Quux”, Z: 42) updates all Foo where X = “Bar”, sets Y and Z.

Entity Framework

Nothing out of the box. Can specify SQL to run –

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